
I like to work on small software projects in my spare time to learn new skills and technologies. If I think others will find them useful or entertaining, I release them here.. These projects are in various stages of development/maintenance.

  • Current Atlas Tables

    Tables for use with the Current Atlas: Juan de Fuca Strait to Strait of Georgia, and make it easier to use by providing pre-computed tables of chart numbers for any given date and time.

  • Vocoder

    Channel vocoder, which imposes vocal effects on a waveform.

  • Babal

    Babal is a simple 3-D game based on Babal for HP48 by U-Foot. You can play it in your browser window, or stand-alone.

  • MIDI Scripter

    Generates a MIDI file from simple commands in text files..

  • Synth

    Java-based software modular synthesizer.

  • LiveTree

    JavaScript/DHTML tree (hierarchical list) widget that loads data asynchronously as-needed (using AJAX).